About Us

The idea for Poppy Memories began in 2017. Life was very different back then. I lived in Argentina, I was single and had no children. Poppy Memories was an outlet for me to unleash my creativity and show my love for children. My first concept was a children’s memory book called My First Book of Adventures. I wanted a simple and easy book that allows parents to track all of their baby’s milestones and precious moments. 

Fast forward six years and life has changed a LOT! I moved to another country, got married and had 2 children. I live in Colorado with my husband Zach and our two boys, Benito (2) and Finnegan (almost 1). As a parent, I now realize how fast time really flies by and I want to capture every moment of my kid’s life.

After all these years, Poppy Memories has always stuck with me. I’m ready to embark on this new adventure and I hope you’ll join me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, 
